The search for knowledge, the distraction by facade and illusion, the cave, and a release into freedom, is what is reflected in my design concept.
The search for knowledge, is reflected in the above image, where the light is a source of knowledge and requires a leap of faith to come out of the darkness. I hope to incorporate in my design, a gap across which the person must leap across into the light. The restrictiveness of the wall behind which the people hide, is reflected what might be a dark interior.
Similarly, this search for knowledge I hope will be represented within my cave structure, whereby the attainment of knowledge is reflected in my floating air structure. I hope to incorporate into my structure, the movement of the person from the interior to the exterior, and into the light, by various different methods and corridors.
The cave, as mentioned in the slide referencing Platos Cave, is reflected literally in my design by the cave structure in the cliff. The texture on the interior of my structure will be reflective of the rock that the cliff is made up of, with perhaps minimal man made materials. Perhaps the use of man-made materials, the amount of lighting, and the complexity of the structure will increase as the person moves towards the exterior from the interior. This is suggestive of a thought process, or the obtaining of knowledge.
One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the babsis of all human knowledge,"
Client 2: Cousteau
"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to the earth. But when man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free. Buoyed by water, he can fly in any direction - up, down, sideways - by merely flipping his hand. Underwater, man becomes an archangel."
"Beneath the surface, man is free. From birth, weighed by gravity, man searches in all directions for the similarities and differences that are the basis of all human knowledge. Man only has to sink beneath the surface to be free. Underwater, sans weight, sans gravity, and upon attainment of knowledge, man becomes an arch angel; free to fly in any direction with the mere flip of a hand."
Axometric that the Unreal Tournament model is based on. The axometric shows a series of identical blocks to emphasise the concept of 'similarity'.
I decided to change the idea slightly and have each of the cube rotated slightly. This reflects both 'similarity', as each of the cubes are identical, and 'differences' as each cube has a different rotation. Interior walls, ceiling, and floor are of rough rock.
The overall idea may change in the future to further develop the concept of 'searching', as mentioned in the quote.
Axometric that the below Unreal Tournament model is based on. The shape, and intended material as glass reflects perhaps concepts of weightlessness, of surface, or of an 'arch angel' in the quote.
Instead of glass, I decided to change the material of the 'wing' to ice, mostly because it was more fun.
The idea of the model is that the flat planes of the glass join to create a curved surface, while intersecting each other to perhaps create sharp angles, reflections, and shadows.
"What I want to try to explain to people this evening is a little bit of the history and a little bit of the science behind cloning. But more importantly, what I would hope they go away with, is some of the positive uses of this technology. We are not all mad scientists. We are not all looking to clone ourselves. The positive benefits that this may have for human therapeutic medicine and improving the quality of life for people with certain genetic disorders.
-Keith Campbell
Campbell, Keith. Interview by the Marine Biological Laboratory, 22 June, 2001.
"One can state, without exaggeration, that the observation of and the search for similarities and differences are the basis of all human knowledge"
-Alfred Nobel
The Novel Foundation "Life and Philosophy of Alfred Novel", The Novel Prize Foundation,
"From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to the earth. But when man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free. Buoyed by -water, he can fly in any direction - up, down, sideways- by merely flipping his hand. Underwater, man becomes an archangel."
- Jaques-Yves Cousteau
"Poet of the Depths" Time, March 28, 1960,,9171,826158-1,00.html
Description:The position of the building structure on the side of the hill is to give the impression that at any moment, the entire building could begin to roll downwards. This is the element of expecting, or expectation. This is heightened by the placement of the stairs in an indentation in the landscape, directly in the path that the building would roll. I wanted the stairs to be intentionally difficult to climb, so that when you climb up them, you are forced to interact with the materials it was made from, such as using your hands for support on the steps. This references the method by which Gascoigne finds the materials she uses in her artworks, by exploring the countryside, and also the hands on and very physical method she uses to construct her artworks.
The building is constructed from weathered wood and corroded materials to reference the material choice Gascoigne shows in her artworks; materials whose texture and form are not man made, but a result of the effect of the elements.
The textures I chose I hoped would reflect the same natural elements of wood, such as peeling paint or warped grain for the exterior texture of the building. I especially like the tree silhouette on the glass used in the interior railing.
Section that the model was based on:
Image 1.View from bottom of stairs Materials used: Weathered wood offcuts (some painted) for stairs, glass for stairs. Same textureused on sides of dodecahedron and stairs
Image 2. Side section Materials used: Weathered wood for hexagonal and pentagonal sides, glass for triangles and inner railing, weathered timber for floor and artwork stand, painted timber for inner stairs. Desk imported from Google Warehouse. Texturesused on inner glass railing, exterior surface of hexagonal and pentagonal sides.
Image 3. Top section Materials used: Same as before Textures same as before. Shrubs imported from Google Warehouse
Elevation:Below Ground Artist:Fiona Hall Word:Dissecting
Description: The image I based my artwork on, Scar tissue 2005, gave me the impression of something surgical, using shiny, reflective materials, as well as a feeling of heaviness and gloominess. The surgical aspect is reflected in the scalpel/blade shaped stairs, and the metal beams that impale the building and dissect it. The sliced up form of the building also reflects the dissection. I chose dark granite and a dark texture for the cave and building, to reflect the melancholy and possibly hopelessness I found in the artwork.
The stairs, as mentioned before, are built to resemble knife blades. The suspended lowerstairs immediately adjacent to the building reference the suspended objects in the Halls artwork.
The textures I chose are used on the exterior and interior walls of the cave, on the carpet, and on the glass. The water ripple and crimson colour of the carpet references blood and the subject of Halls artwork. The cassette tapes on the desk in the corner of the middle room references the material which this artwork was made up of.
Image 5: Section the model was based on
Image 6.View of stairs leading down into the cave the building is situated in. Materials used:Granite steps, metal wire off which are hanging corroded metal pieces for balustrade. Textureused on exterior surface of cave. Trees, shrubs, and park bench imported from Google Warehouse.
Image 7. Rear section of underground studio. Materials used: Stone granite for structure of building and cave, glass windows, stainless steel/aluminium stairs, stainless steel/aluminium intruding beams, Texturesused for glass, carpet, and interior and exterior sides of cave. Chandelier, desk, shelf, and couch imported from Google Warehouse (note chandelier supposedly model on that from Phantom of the Opera)
Image 8.Side section of underground studio Materials used: Metal wire supports connecting lower stairs to ceiling structure, stainless steel/aluminium lower stairs, granite upper stairs. Textures same as before.
Image 9. Interior view of undergrounds studio. Materials: Carpet on floor, glass window, granite walls Textures used on glass and carpet. Cassette tapes, couch, person, and desk imported from Google Warehouse